Branch Manager > 온라인 제품문의

Branch Manager > 온라인 제품문의

Online Enquiry

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온라인 제품문의

Branch Manager

페이지 정보

Writer RegDate20-04-02 16:33 views4,316 times comment0


Hi Country Manager

We would appreciate you could refer us to your distributor in Korea or Singapore to purchase your 
Michang FOMI 350 White Mineral Oil .
Our client is running a trial, therefore we need only 20 Litres to test run as we understand the packaging is in drum.

Please help to engage your distributor to contact me OR you may give me their email address for me to reach them.
APPRECIATE your assistance sir and I look forward to your email soon.

Thank you. ?
Ben Sik
H- 9323-1423
ALLINTON Engineering & Trading Pte Ltd
A Subsidiary of AFH Holdings Pte Ltd
21 Tuas Basin Link, Singapore 638782.
T 65 6265 1888 F 65 6265 5623


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